We Need Your Help

We need your help! We are passionate about badge holders and have built our business around them for the last 10 years. Recent changes are making it harder and harder to show up online as big business are being favored in search results.

If you are one of our happy passionate customers, take a minute to share your experience with the world. (If you are unhappy with us for any reason, please just let us know so we can fix that and have you share the happy ending with the world!)

Below are a list of places were we love to connect. If any of these are ways you would like connecting with us, please check them out!

Currently, Walmart has 26 million likes. We have just under 200 :). The major search engines are using this data to try and decide which businesses to favor in their online search results.

If you have any comments please leave them below. Got an idea to share? Please let us know!!

Thank you!

The Specialist ID Team.

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