Waiters and bus boys are sometimes adorned with personalizedbadge reels that represents the company their working for. This adds an extraform of identification ensuring customers that an employee who has been vettedby the restaurant is servicing them. It also provides a professional appearanceto any establishment serving as a creative form of branding the restaurantsname and logo making it more memorable for first-time customers to becomereturning customers.
Not much other than a key or electronic badge is needed forthis profession. So, the Custom Standard Printed Badge Reel would be a perfectselection for this kind of work. This reel can hold a couple of keys and israted for 100,000 pulls. The cord length stretches out at approximately 34.
Bartenders, bouncers, and of course managers use badge reelsto distinguish identification between the employees and the patrons. Bartendersmust have consistent access to the cash register and while most of them arecomputerized, a key is oftentimes needed to override the system. Also, keys tothe liquor storage along with money in the safe are locked securely away, andonly a select few typically have access. This is why keys need to be attachedto personnel at all times.
The Custom Standard Printed Badge Reel will do, but for athe Custom Printed CarabinerBadge Reel is a bit more durable and can hold a little more weight.
It is imperative that valet attendants have proper ID.People are entrusting their personal property to strangers essentially. Properidentification is really the only thing that distinguishes them from being animposter. Badge reels are used to display a valet drivers ID and the morestronger, heavy-duty reels may be used to hold the car keys.
Specialist IDs line of Key-Bak badge reels are designed tocarry up to 15 oz., equaling 22 keys on a reel. The 36 Kevlar cord is durableenough to withstand a series of pulls with a twist-free fitting. Although, itsworth mentioning that the Key-Bak series does not come with personalizedfeatures.
Who Else Can Benefitfrom Custom Badge Reels?
Other industries that can benefit from a personalized badgereel are the corporate enterprises, sports industry, and healthcare. Securityis usually top priority in these industries and proper identification is one ofthe driving forces in maintaining it well.
How to PersonalizeYour Badge Reel
With Specialist ID, a wholesale badge ID and accessorydistributor in South Florida, you can personalize your badge reels by selectingwhether you want solid or translucent colors. You canselect whether you want a belt clip, spring clip, or a swivel clip. Youll beable to upload a high-resolution photo of your companys logo and view exactlyhow it will appear on your badge reel.
Visit our website today to buildyour personalized badge reel. Customized orders such as this require a 100-unitminimum order. Youll also need to allow 10-14 days of lead-time to process andproduce the order. Call us today toll-free at 1-800-380-6726 or contact us onlineto place your order.