Often times, the best way to advertise is by branding. This means placing your company's logo on marketing material things that people will actually use that can be subtly seen. You're probably familiar with pens, key chains, notepads, etc., but these days everyone is doing that, and while its still effective, its time to start coming up with more creative ways to bring your company brand front and center. A good way to do this is through the personalization of quality material something that will definitely catch the attention of onlookers. Lanyards are one of the items that you can personalize.
For most businesses, making sure that all of your employees are wearing proper identification is key. Its a great tool for accountability, it boost morale as fellow employees will be able to easily address their co-workers by name. And its just safe!
So, if you're going to have employees wear ID badges, why not provide them with a personalized lanyard with your company logo printed on it? Having a personalized lanyard with your company logo will only bring more attention to your business. It will also draw more attention to the actual name badge.
The most common type of ID name badge comes with a pin that employees can attach to their clothing that is usually displayed on the upper right or left chest. This can typically get blocked if the employee is carrying or transporting something. With a branded lanyard, people will be able to identify whether or not that person is an actual employee without having to see the ID name badge.
With Specialist ID, a wholesale badge ID and accessory distributor in Miami, Florida, you have the option of personalizing your lanyard directly on our website. You'll be able to upload a high resolution image of your company's logo and select the spacing, whether you want the positioning of your logo symmetrical, or if you want the logo printed on both sides of the lanyard or just one.
For the sake of simplicity, it is possible to create your own logo online by selecting your own font and text color. Graphic images will require an upload.
You'll also be able to select the imprint options. For the best quality, the 1-color woven selection provides a textured hand-stitched-type of craftsmanship. If your logo entails more than one color, then the full-color dye-sub would be the next best option. You'll be able to use multiple colors, but it wont be woven. You'll be able to see for yourself on our website as you get to pick and choose the type of personalized lanyard you want for your company.
Customized lanyards take approximately 10 to 12 days to process. A minimum order of 100 units is required for personalized items. You'll also be able to select what type of lanyard material you want to clip on to a badge ID. Select from a nickel-plated swivel hook, a bulldog clip, a ring, a clip with a small ring, a plastic hook, and more.
Start designing your own personalized lanyard here. You can also contact a Specialist ID representative to help you get the process started online or just call 1-800-380-6726 and we can take it from there!