Digital Signature T-S461-HSB-R SigLite SL 1 x 5 Topaz Capture Pad
The Digital Signature T-S460-HSB-R SigLite 1 x 5 Topaz Capture Pad, pressure sensitive Digital Signature Pad from Topaz is a great way to get forensic quality electronic signatures at an affordable price. This model is almost identical to the slightly less expensive T-S460-HSB-R, however, it is slimmer and has a case that can be easily folded over to protect the electronic signature area. As with all Topaz Sig Pads, software is included to get you easily capturing signatures in Microsoft Word and Excel, as well as Adobe Acrobat Professional. Many of the most popular medical and financial suites already integrate with many of the Topaz signature pads. Just check with your software developer to see if it already supports the Topaz 1X5 pads.
The Topaz software tools can be downloaded here. All software and updates are licensed for use with Topaz tablets at no extra charge and can be downloaded from the Topaz website.