Our translucent badge reel with a swivel clip, part number 2120-762X, is one of the most popular retractable reels for professionals and corporate environments that frequently use badge holders to swipe their slot punched ID badges or operate keys. The swivel spring clip can attach to most articles of clothing, like a lapel, uniform, bag or more. So you can place the badge holder in a spot that's most convenient for your needs. Afterwards, simply slide your slot punched photo ID badge or keys through the clear vinyl strap holder and it'll be ready to use.
The swivel spring clip on the back of the reel provides a 360 degree rotation in any direction which reduces wear on the 34" nylon cord and extends the life of your badge reel. Each pull is swift and smooth, and then conveniently retracts back into place on its own accord, so you don't have to worry about any extra movements that can disrupt the flow of a fluid working environment.
This retractable reel is about 1-1/4" in diameter and just a bit larger than the size of a quarter. It's outfitted with a beautiful plastic translucent shell that allows you to glimpse the inner mechanics of the reel. This clear badge reel is rated for 100,000 pulls, so it should last you a very long time.
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