Making your team feel special is an important part of managing your employees. Especially in the current state of the world and workplace, expressing your gratification for your employees’ work is critical to maintaining strong company-wide morale. Thankfully, Specialist ID is stocked with numerous badge buddy options that provide everyone with a perfect fit.
From basic labels to colorful expressions, you and your team will find joy in the simple things; like these 4 selected badge buddies that will help your employees stand out from the crowd! They can all be attached to lanyards or badge reels for easy access!
1- DOCTOR Horizontal Pronouns Badge Buddy With Rainbow Border
Be loud and proud with these rainbow badge buddies for doctors! In addition to adding some brightness and sparkle around the office, these products also inform other employees and patrons of everyone’s preferred pronouns. Coming in he/him, she/her, and they/them, these rainbow badge buddies cover all bases. Your employees will feel informed, comfortable, and empowered through the use of these inclusive, rainbow badge buddies around the workplace.

2- COVID-19 VACCINATED Badge Buddy With Red Border
Another type of badge buddy, this Covid Vaccinated badge buddy, informs everyone of the vaccination status of the wearer. In today’s social environment, it is good to stand out for your vaccination protection. With the bright red background, this badge buddy easily stands out among the crowd. Everyone will feel confident and safe interacting with these employees, and your employees will feel secure in approaching their coworkers and clients.

3- ESSENTIAL EMPLOYEE Badge Buddy With Black Border
Let the whole building know your employees are essential workers with this black and white horizontal badge buddy. Much like the COVID-19 vaccinated badge buddy, this one communicates the relevant status of your employees to all they interact with. With the help of this product, your employees will be immediately recognized wherever they go for their hard work and valuable contributions to our modern-day society.

4- Custom Printed Horizontal Badge Buddy
If none of the three previous badge buddies feel like a perfect fit for you and your employees, you don’t need to settle! In addition to the designed badge buddies Specialist ID offers, they also stock a completely custom badge buddy. This is the ultimate opportunity to make your employees stand out! Choose from a selection of colors and fill two lines of text with your desired title. No matter what you would like your badge buddy to say, Specialist ID can provide.
Related Post: Steps To Creating The Perfect Custom Badge
There are seemingly endless options when it comes to the form and function of workplace badge buddies. Your employees and coworkers work hard all day, and they deserve badge buddies that work just as hard to make them feel special. With the addition of these badge buddies to your team’s personal and professional badges, they will always stand out among the rest.
For more badge buddy options for your employees (or yourself), check out the Specialist ID website.