visitor management

6 Ways to Improve Security At Your Corporate Event

When there are so many tasks to complete for an event, worrying about your company’s security should not be another one. Monitoring your guests doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it’s easier than you may think. To stress less, here are six ways to improve security at your next corporate event.

Non-expiring Wristbands

Non-expiring Wristbands are a great way to keep track of who is in attendance for your event. The adhesive backing securely closes around any wrist size, preventing their transfer to someone else (they should be cut for easy removal). This product will add an extra layer of identification for any event. These wristbands come in packs of 1,000 and are available in four colors: dark blue, light blue, red, and yellow.

Non-expiring Wristband, Box of 1000 (P/N 0685X)

Wrist Coil Key Chain with ID Strap Clip
Although they are easier to remove than the non-expiring wristbands, the Wrist Coil Key Chains are a fun alternative to provide extra, color-coded identification at your event. With the ID strap clip and split ring, you can conveniently keep your ID badge holder and keys near you at all times. You will be able to swipe or scan your credentials at a moment’s notice. This product fits just about any wrist size and is available in five different colors.

Wrist Coil Key Chain with ID Strap Clip (2140-620X)

Self Expiring Visitor Badge and Log Book
If you need to keep an eye on the people coming through your department, the Self Expiring Visitor Log Book with badges is the perfect product. As the badge is filled out, a duplicate record is produced at the same time in the log book. After 14-16 hours, the badge self expires, and the word VOID will be visible. The color change process prevents tampering and reuse of the badge, so there is no need to physically collect them afterward. The self-expiring visitor badge and log book is an easy way to quickly monitor visitors for any building or event with high traffic. You can purchase a standard book with 240 badges or a large book with 480 badges.

Standard (240 Badges) Expiring Visitor Badge and Log Book (05721 & 05741) 05721

Related Post: 5 Ways To Improve Your Visitor Management System

One-Step One Day Thermal Printable Self-Expiring Visitor Badges
The One-Step One Day Thermal Printable Self-Expiring Visitor Badges are great, one-time-use products. Because these badges are printable, feel free to write on them by hand or print your company logo or colors for customization that cannot be duplicated. These badges last approximately 12-14 hours before they expire and can be thrown away afterward. The color change prevents reuse or tampering. These badges come in a pack of 500.


Horizontal Parking Pass Vehicle Hang Tag Holder
Parking passes are a great way to easily identify who is allowed into your event via direct parking management. The Horizontal Parking Hang Tag Holder is made of clear, rigid vinyl to visibly display your parking pass. Slide your parking ticket card or pass through the top of the badge holder to have it safely in view. Simply attach the tag holder to your car, truck, or sedan's rearview mirror and continue to go about your day.

Clear Rigid Vinyl Horizontal Parking Pass Vehicle Hang Tag Holder (1840-3650) 1840-3650

Disposable Face Masks
As COVID-19 is still a concern, Disposable Face Masks will help everyone at your event feel safe and secure. It is important to make everyone feel comfortable and at ease while they are attending your event. These masks come in a pack of 50.

Disposable Face Masks - Box of 50 DisposableMask
Securing your event shouldn’t be a hassle. Visit the Specialist ID website for more supplies for your next event, conference, and more!

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