Tackling visitor management at your holiday event can be a nightmare. In addition to the insanity brought by the holiday season, you are also tasked with managing the activities and organization of your event guests.
Specialist ID has all the products you need to run your holiday event as smoothly as possible. Here are 5 products to make your holiday event run as smooth as possible!
1- One Day Expiring Timing Cover
One of the hardest parts about managing visitors at holiday events is keeping track of who is there, where they are going, and what they are participating in. With these expiring timing covers, you will be able to keep ultimate track of all of your guests during your event’s activities. The expiring component of these covers allows you to regulate the time that your guests spend at your event and can prevent them from overstaying their designated time.

2- Wrist Coil With 7/8" Nickel-Plated Split Ring
With the help of these colored coiled wristbands, all of the information you need from your guests will be readily accessible. Their color variations will eliminate confusion and will provide a greater distinction between your guests. The inclusion of a split ring also allows for your guests to attach more identifying cards, keys, or ID badges to their wrist, perfect for you to quickly and easily check their credentials.
3- Temporary Expiring Hangtag "VISITOR PARKING PERMIT"
When it comes to organizing the parking protocol of your event, this visitor parking permit will allow you to easily manage guest vehicles. This product, with a similar feature to the expiring time cover, combats guests overstaying their visit to your event. Expiring after the designated time of your event, the temporary parking permit fits securely to the rearview mirror of any vehicle.
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4- TEMPbadge Visitor Management System
For holiday events that require mass amounts of visitor passes and badges for your guests, consider investing in this visitor management system. Through the easily understood technology of Tempbadge, you can produce name tags and labels with increased efficiency. The printed badges are also equipped with expiring technology that allows your tags to disappear at the time of your guest’s intended departure.
5- Reusable Visitor Passes with Clothing Friendly Badge Clip
If you are tasked with managing multiple events throughout the year, these reusable visitor badge buddies will be perfect for your visitor management style. With detachable clips, these passes will clip onto any type of clothing or fit into any badge holders your guests may provide. When you add these visitor passes to your management arsenal, you will be prepared to organize any holiday event thrown your way.
Visitor management during holiday events can be tough to tackle. With the help of these varied products from Specialist ID, your holiday event is guaranteed to run flawlessly to plan! Your visitors will be organized and regulated, and you will be decisively set up for success throughout your entire event.
For more information and products for flawless visitor management, visit the Specialist ID website.