4 Tips On Improving Your Office’s Workflow

4 Tips On Improving Your Office’s Workflow

Most commonly, offices report time wasted on the same tasks, and it’s significant to a lack of productivity. Surfing the internet, logging onto social media platforms, and performing mundane administrative tasks seem not only to eat up the most time but are often considered “wasted” tasks. The lack of structure can interfere with other tasks or projects that may be time sensitive and add to the loss of productivity. Increasing productivity in the office comes down to analyzing how things are done and upgrading the currently existing processes. 

But don’t fret; you can add different techniques and incorporate new products to improve the way your office is currently operating significantly. Keep reading to find out which of our items may help your office. 


Who doesn’t love a two-in-one? The badge reel and lanyard combo is a product your office needs. Popping on a lanyard is slightly more time-efficient than having to clip a badge reel. With this combo, you get the best of both worlds while being able to display ID credentials in a versatile way. Preventing unnecessary loss of time is easy with small details. By providing a designated shelf to hang lanyards for bathroom breaks or whenever needed to take off, you will prevent the loss of lanyards and wasted time trying to look for them. These lanyards will allow your office members to use the extra time to conquer difficult tasks.









The waterproof ID badge holder inspired the second tip of this list. Installing a new product in the office like this one will be beneficial and is worth contemplating. You can include fun yet functional items inside the badge holder, like perhaps an essential oil, gum, and a motivational pin (to uplift the spirit). These may be left at work to be replenished every so often, and your office members will look forward to seeing what new products are included. Ultimately, this ID badge holder removes unnecessary stress and reminds your team members you care about their well-being, encouraging them to perform at their best.







The three card vertical ID badge holder is a highly rated product that holds up to three ID badges, tidying up the ID badges one team member owns. Keeping your desk clean and free of lingering IDs gives your team more physical space, but it also offers more mental space and clarity. Many studies show that our environment greatly impacts our mental health and productivity. Becoming organized and coming to work finding a neat workspace will encourage focus, and it will show in future work projects and improve their work ethic.







Lastly, we have the frosted rigid plastic horizontal half card holder, made for office members who need to constantly swipe their ID cards to access different parts of the facility. The rigid frosted plastic holds onto your card tightly by simply clicking into place and keeping it secure in the mini holder. Your office members can attach it to their lanyards or badge reels through the slot hole in the sturdy plastic for a much more convenient way to keep cards at hand. Your team will love the efficiency of this item!






If you want to increase workflow efficiency, we will help you find the right tools. With the different products and different ways to utilize them, you can find the platform to fit your workplace needs. Head down over to the Specialist ID website, and one of our team members will be glad to help you find the right products.

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