It is no secret that a customer will assume that anyone wearing a uniform is the ideal person to assist them with the specific help needed. How many times have we asked the restaurant hostess for the check? Despite the fact of this kind of situation recurring for as long as customers exist, there is a way we can help decrease the likelihood of it happening again. That way is by utilizing custom Badge Buddies. Hospitals are a great example of why Badge Buddies are a must in any industry that involves customer or patient care service. It is well known that not every hired physician is qualified to administer patients with the proper care he or she needs. Therefore, role recognition is of the utmost importance in this field. Badge Buddies allow patients to identify the role of every healthcare provider who enters the room. This ID badge will also help avoid an embarrassing situation of mistaken identity.
Check out efficient Badge Buddies for healthcare organizations and other businesses:
Of course for your clients’ convenience, our ID badges include color-coding specifically designed for hospitals. This makes role recognition easy even from a considerable distance. Color-coding is ideal for any busy environment, especially a hospital or healthcare facility.
We offer a wide variety of the most popular custom badges for hospital personnel and provide custom printing for unique, hard-to-find titles.
When choosing a Badge Buddy, you can select the font and color of your preference. In addition, there are two ways you can display your text, either vertically or horizontally. Your selection depends on your preference of what information you want to highlight. If including a photo is of extreme importance, then we recommend choosing the vertical format where the space allows for an image of a bigger size without distorting it. Horizontal custom badges are the simple and perfect way to go when all the information you need to provide is just the name and the role of your staff. This will also provide more space for longer names and roles.
Badge Buddies Made For Every Profession
Cashier Badge Buddy
This red-colored badge will identify you as a cashier. You wear this id card under your standard existing ID and the role recognition card will be placed just below. Aid any client or customer by having your staff members wear these horizontal badge buddies so they can quickly identify and get instant role recognition.
Vendor Badge Buddy
Vertical badge buddies like this one make work more fluid, productive and efficient because clients and customers will be able to quickly identify staff and ask them questions accordingly. It has a slot so that you can insert your badge holder or badge reels to hold the badge buddy in below your ID.
Volunteer Badge Buddy
This yellow bright color will help people identify hospital volunteers with ease. This way they can either get a person that is more qualified in an emergency situation when time is not on your side and you need to act in a time-efficient manner.
Customize Your Badge Buddy With Color-Coding
We offer custom printed badges so you can design your own badge buddies. We have a wide array of colors to choose from and you can enter the text you would like your badge buddy to portray on a first line and a second line. Comes with a small slot at the top so that you can insert your lanyard or badge reel. Usually ships in 10-14 business days.
For our clients’ convenience, we have made easy to use online application to customize your products.
Badge Buddies At Specialist ID
Specialist ID is the leading ID accessory provider in the country because we offer the best products in the market. We sell at wholesale prices without establishing any minimum quantities per order and pride ourselves on giving top-quality customer.
For domestic orders over $50, our clients receive a free shipping. Whether you are looking to order a handful of badges or are trying to acquire enough for an entire facility, Specialist ID has the inventory to supply all of your custom ID needs.
Learn how you can create a fleet of your own custom Badge Buddies by talking to one of our customer service representatives. If you’re interested in learning how to create custom Badge Buddies online, feel free to reach out to us today by using our online contact form or chat with us below.