As a purchaser, the pressure is on you to make smart decisions when it comes to stocking supplies. You are expected to not only stay under budget but also to save money if possible. Depending on the size of your company, it is sometimes wise to purchase supplies on an as-needed basis. However, if you find that you are purchasing the same item on a repeated basis, you might want to consider buying your supplies in bulk.
Purchasing supplies in bulk does not always appeal to some purchasers because when they think of the word bulk, they usually equate that to a bulk amount of money that they'd have to spend. This is not entirely false. It's true that a certain amount of money will be spent on the budget. However, it is up to the purchaser to determine how much will be spent.
Purchasing ID Badges and Accessories
When it comes to proper identification (ID), Badge Buddies are the most popular choice for identifying a working staff. Depending on how large or small your business is, you may not need a bulk amount of ID badge holder and/or accessories, but buying them on an as-needed basis could cost your company more money.
Specialist ID sells Badge Buddies at $2.68 a unit. This is a reasonable price, but if you purchase 25 49 units, the price lowers to $2.57per unit. When you purchase 50 -99 Badge Buddies, the price drops even more to$2.44 a unit, 100 299 costs $2.22 a unit, and so forth until you could end up paying only $1.77.
Example of How Buying in Bulk Saves You Money
When stocking your office materials, it is important to look at the bigger picture. Let's use the example of a ballpoint pen. This is a tool that a purchaser might find him or herself running to the office supply store to restock every quarter. A 12-pack of ballpoint pens can run roughly $3.00, making each pen worth 25 cents while a pack of 60 ballpoint pens may cost approximately$8.00, making each pen worth 13 cents.
The 60-pack of ballpoint pens is the better buy because even though you're paying for more upfront, you are getting more for your money. Sixty pens at 25 cents are going to cost $15.00almost double the amount of buying the bulk amount at $8.00.
Saving Money with CustomName Badges
The same concept applies to stock ID holders and accessories with Specialist ID. The more you purchase, the more you'll save, even if you won't be using them all at once. In the period of 12 months, your purchasing budget will show the annual savings.
Buying in Bulk SavesYou Money
The friendly and helpful team at Specialist ID is available to answer any questions you might have for your specific needs regarding ID badges. We can explain the different options you have and offer useful information about color-coded ID accessories that can accompany them.
Call us today at 1-800-380-6726 or ask us a question through our online form today!