Whether you are a caring nurse or a hustling business exec, chances are you’re interacting with Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
Everyone in the occupational sphere encounters enough stress throughout their hectic business days without introducing the threat of technological crimes in their busy schedules. Despite the joy that comes with the ease of modern technology, these advancements are frequently followed by pervasive technology-specific crimes. The development of RFID cards is no exception to this phenomenon. This is where Specialist ID’s RFID badge holders and other products come into play. These products will ensure that you don’t have to worry about the potential threat of RFID skimming or the simple crime of losing your valuable badge.
Peace of Mind
Maintaining control of your information security is of great importance, but it does not need to exist as a constant source of tension weighing on your mind. As you consider ensuring the security of your RFID cards, the strength and merits of blocking badge holders like the Identity Stronghold Secure Badgeholder Classic, and of other blocking products are a must. All Specialist ID RFID blocking badge holder products ensure complete protection from RFID skimming, providing you and your colleagues’ complete serenity when transporting and carrying your RFID cards.
As important as the blocking technology is to the value of RFID blocking products, so is their simple purpose of attaching the card to your person. It can be difficult to keep track of important ID cards, especially in distinguishing them and holding them separate from the other cards (credit, ID, debit, business cards and others) that we shove in our pockets and wallets. With the inclusion of breakaway lanyards, adjustable armbands, and secure badge sleeves, Specialist ID’s blocking RFID badge holders prevent accidental loss of your important property and data, ensuring that you arrive everywhere with the proper identification and information.

Ease of Accessibility
Aside from offering peace of mind from a potential theft of information or loss of property, RFID blocking badges are great at providing you and your employees with easy access to their RFID cards. Specialist ID allows you to approach the protection of your RFID badges with yourself and your specific needs in mind as they have multiple fashions and designs intended to fit everyone’s individual requirements.
From classic lanyards with blocking badge holders to secure armband holders, such as the Identity Stronghold Secure Badgeholder Shielded ArmBand, Specialist ID has you and your employees covered.
These badge holders do a great job protecting your RFID cards while attaching them to your person for ease of accessibility. Detachable lanyards and belt clips are included in models of Specialist ID’s quality blocking badges, giving you the freedom to change your access to your badge without worry throughout the week.
Personal Style
With the inclusion of colored cases and lanyards, Specialist ID elevates the presentation of RFID badges and ensures that no one has to sacrifice personal expression in favor of occupational proficiency. The Identity Stronghold RFID Blocking Secure ID Badgeholder Duolite, for instance, comes in nine different colors.
Related Post: 4 Add-Ons You Need For Your Badge Holder
For more information regarding RFID blocking badges and other related products visit the Specialist ID website.