Collection: Events

In-person events are back in full swing—and if you’re coordinating an event, you must ensure that your attendees have a positive experience. Whether you’re organizing an industry conference or a music festival, you must assign credentials to all of your participants. That’s why we take pride in our lanyards, badge reels, and badge holders. We want to help you manage access levels and give security personnel an efficient way to identify everybody involved.

Most events invite a diverse group of attendees and industry professionals. Because of this, you will likely want to give attendees and speakers different access levels. We offer lanyards and badge holders in various colors that you can use to easily color-code each access level. You can even use this opportunity to customize these products with your brand colors or logo. Additionally, participants can use lanyards and badge holders to display their ID cards to introduce themselves easily and denote their involvement in the event. Badge reels are another excellent product for management teams to secure their keys and small tools while running the show. The possibilities are endless, and we are committed to helping you find the right tools to keep your event running smoothly.

19 products

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are the benefits of branding event lanyards with my company logo?

Customizing your event lanyards with your company logo is a great way to boost your brand awareness and visibility. Whether you give them to employees to hold their IDs or gift them to potential customers, they are a practical promotional tool that everyone can use. In addition, custom event lanyards can create a sense of cohesiveness and professionalism that will help you make a lasting impression. 

2. How can attendees benefit from using badge buddies at corporate events?

Attendees who use badge buddies at corporate events make it easy for colleagues and company executives to identify who they are and what they do quickly. Wearing a badge buddy will help you make a strong first impression and improve your networking experience. 

3. What is the recommended size for conference badge holders?

The recommended size for conference badge holders is 3x4 inches. We carry both vertical and horizontal badge holders with these dimensions.